Education & Experience


Internal Medicine training in Henry Ford Hospital/Wayne State University. Detroit, MI.

Specialization in adult medicine, encompassing all aspect of adult health, with a special intereste in cardiovascular health.


Sleep Medicine Fellowship. Henry Ford Hospital/Wayne State University.

Special training in adult and pediatric sleep medicine and associated conditions. 


Sleep Medicine Specialist.

– Experience as faculty in educating other sleep providers at the Henry Ford Health System fellowship program and in affiliation with Wayne State University.

– Division Head Sleep Medicine in Via Christi Clinic (now Ascension health) in Wichita KS. Overseeing 4 clinics and 4 sleep labs. 

– Fort Myers area sleep medicine specialist, working with Lee Health. Updated the department by developing novel programs and incorporating new treatments for sleep apnea such as Inspire and Remedé (Pacemakers for obstructive and central apneas). 

– Current: Development and Medical Director of the Sleep and Apnea Institute of Florida.

Education & Experience


Internal Medicine training in Henry Ford Hospital/Wayne State University. Detroit, MI.

Specialization in adult medicine, encompassing all aspect of adult health, with a special intereste in cardiovascular health.


Sleep Medicine Fellowship. Henry Ford Hospital/Wayne State University.

Special training in adult and pediatric sleep medicine and associated conditions. 


Sleep Medicine Specialist.

- Experience as faculty in educating other sleep providers at the Henry Ford Health System fellowship program and in affiliation with Wayne State University.

- Division Head Sleep Medicine in Via Christi Clinic (now Ascension health) in Wichita KS. Overseeing 4 clinics and 4 sleep labs. 

- Fort Myers area sleep medicine specialist, working with Lee Health. Updated the department by developing novel programs and incorporating new treatments for sleep apnea such as Inspire and Remedé (Pacemakers for obstructive and central apneas). 

- Current: Development and Medical Director of the Sleep and Apnea Institute of Florida.